Welcome to Emerald Locksmiths, we are your only destination for any thing related to locks and bolts for home, office, store or veichle.

With our stellar reputation and long standing relationship with the Seattle community we are exactly the right company to make sure that all your locations, regarless of which it is, are kept safe and behing the best locks and bolts on the market.

Contact us today for a free quote for any locksmith service you may need.

Contact us today for a quote

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Residential Locksmith

We deal with any aspect of residential locksmithing. Whether it is installing locks, creating new keys or even installing complete home secutiry systems

Commercial Locksmith

We service the commercial community of the greated Seattle area with everything needed to secure your business location, no matter the issue.

Automotive Locksmith

We’re here to solve any automotive locksmithing issues you may have and won’t leave until you can be on your way again.

Welcome to Emerald Locksmiths

At Emerald Locksmiths, we know what it takes to successfully service you with any type of locksmithing service that you may need. We have been doing so in Seattle and the greater Seattle area for well over a decade. So when you need anything when it comes to locks, doors, bolts, chains and even windows, there’s only one number to call – Emerald Locksmiths in Seattle!

Why choose us?

So why should you choose Emerald Locksmiths to handle whatever it is that you need in locksmithing services? First of all, we are a one stop shop. This means that no matter what you need you will never have to go to multiple locations to get it. We have everything in one location. You may need services both for you home and your car, or your car and your business – and we can solve them both for you.

There is no such thing with Emerald Locksmiths as “can’t do”. Whatever it is that you need, we can handle it, and more. We are 100% committed to performing a job that we can feel proud of and that you can feel safe with. We will never compromise on customer satisfaction or quality of work, according to our philosophy they go hand in hand.

Need a Locksmith?
Want to ask a question?
Give us a call: 1 (206) 887-1277

Avaliable daily from 5am to midnight

Our Services

At Emerald Locksmiths we offer an extensive repertoire of locksmith services, and are equipped at handling everything that you may need.


Emerald Locksmiths work tirelessly for our clients, and it shows in our customers reviews. Read them and get to know us better and what others have to say about us.

About us

Emerald Locksmiths have been keeping the greater Seattle area safe since 2009 and know what is needed when it comes to locks, bolts, keys and even home security systems.

Our Blog

We write about everything lock and locksmith related in our blog. Come visit us often, learn about locksmithing, and who to trust, who not to trust and how to stay safe.

Read our latest blogposts

Locked out of your home or business?

When you’re locked out of your home or business, your perfect day can turn in to a complete disaster very quickly. In these situations it is crucial that you know who to call – and there is only one number for you to call – Emerald Locksmiths in Seattle.

Over the last decade we have perfected our methods so that we will be able to meet any situation and any challenge when it comes to locksmithing and we can today solve any need you may have. We solve everything from locks and bolts, to new keys, refurbishing of old locks and much more. So whatever you need, just call us now and tell us what we can do for you!